Sunday, March 8, 2009

To the Hospital Again

I guess it is only fitting since we have a pattern of a hospital stay each week for the last three weeks that we should keep it going for this week. Micah hadn't been feeling very well today. Less active...not eating as well...took an early nap. Then, after his nap he awoke with a fever.

Fevers - The big, ugly one-eyed monster that means you have to go to the hospital. (I know that definition probably isn't one of the options in Webster's Dictionary, but it will be in the dictionary I release.)

It seems as though he may have picked up a virus with diarrhea, vomiting and a nasty fever. Sarah took him to Duke this afternoon at which time he was admitted through the Emergency Department. And we thought this might be a rather calm we as we geared up for his surgery!

I spoke to Sarah at about 9:00 PM and they were settling into a room on the 5300 floor. I pray for a quick recovery and a quick homecoming.

Please pray for Micah's healing. Please pray for Sarah as she is at the hospital caring for him. Pray that we might bring glory to God wherever we are and with whomever we encounter!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Praying for Micah and for Sarah (and for you too Justin!). And please rest assured, you all DO bring glory to God as you walk through this time with Micah----I've seen it and been so inspired in my walk with the Lord through you all.
Sharon Reimers(RN at Duke)