Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Carried You

"...I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself" (Exodus 19:4).

If we could see what God sees, how many days would we see that He carried us? I wonder how many days He carried us and we failed to even recognize it. Here in Exodus, God reminds His people of what He did in Egypt. It was His great power that was demonstrated and His work to set them free. And as they came through that difficult enslavement and traveled away from Egypt, God reminds them of how He carried them on eagles' wings and brought them to Himself. What a beautiful picture...what a beautiful reminder.

You've likely read the poem Footprints in the Sand. In that poem, the child of God notices that there are times along his or her journey where only one set of footprints appear, not two. Immediately the child of God accuses God of forsaking him. Why did you leave me? Yet God responds with love and patience that it was in those times, when only one set of footprints appear, He carried her. So many adversities come our way. So many valleys attend our way. The way grows difficult and the climb is uphill. Yet we are carried by God. And why should that surprise us? Why should we think Him unable? After all, He carried the cross and all its weight of sin and death, surely He can carry us!

When each new day can bring a different set of circumstances, I've known and know the heart-level struggle. One day is lived on the mountain peak only to wake up the next morning to find yourself standing in the valley straining to see that peak. I'm still learning that not only is being a follower of Jesus Christ a marathon and not a sprint, but the delicate journey of Micah's health is the same. Thankfully, when my legs grow weary and my heart wants to grow faint, there is one whose arms are able, whose strength prevails and who carries me to Himself. He carries me to Himself for there I find rest.

Micah is currently in the hospital. He was hospitalized on Friday, October 3 after having a fever daily for about three weeks. It progressively became more frequent and higher. On Friday it was pushing 104 and above. There are no clear answers at this point as to why the fever or what to do about it. He is receiving an antibiotic and undergoing testing. Friday he had a CT Scan and tomorrow he will have another bronchoscopy. If the bronchoscopy doesn't have a clear result, the next step will be to remove some tissue from his lungs to test.

The CT Scan showed a spot on his lung and a spot on his spleen. Radiology believes these spots to be more infectious like than tumor like. However, there is no explanation for what these spots are and the treatment needed. Ever since May he's had difficulty with his lungs. Whatever the problem, it does not seem to be new; just not detected or known yet.

This cycle of moving forward to only have the shepherd's hook pull you back grows tiring. Having issues arise that have no answers or no easy answers is hard. But the promise of God remains: "I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself."


Luke's Mom said...

We will pray for strength for your family, comfort for Micah, & wisdom for the doctors.
Last week was Luke's one year anniversary of his kasai surgery. We have had a couple of infections and hospital stays but overall he is doing very well. When I think of you guys in the hospital, it takes me right back to that time. Seeing your child suffer, the lack of sleep, and the are exactly right to lean completely on the Lord. I must say, your perspective is pretty amazing. It is much easier to have peace after the storm! Luke had back to back infections in November 07. He had his pic line removed on Tuesday and was back in the ER with a fever on Thursday. I remember be so angry with God. I know you have had similar situations many times over but continue to praise Him.
I received an e-mail from a friend about this little girl in Liberia who has biliary atresia. She is in need of a liver and a home. I thought you might want to lift her up in prayer as well. Her name is Gifty, you can read about her at
Love in Him,
The Gillam Family

Unknown said...

Hey Justin and Sarah,
just wanted to say we're prayin for you and Micah here in hot springs...i'm leah jackson's friend and she shared your story with me last year when it all began. I feel like I know your family b/c leah and I have been prayin for y'all since the beginning...just wanted to let you know we're still praying :) keep your priorities straight...keep Jesus first! Love y'all, Emilee

The Ray Family said...

I saw your comment on Josh's website but didn't get to respond quickly since I had to actually have surgery last week. I am sorry to hear that Micah is in the hospital again. If there is anything we can do to help out, please let us know. I know you have a good support network, but I believe one can never have enough support when you need it. Call me at home or email me if you want to talk about anything or you need anything. My email is and my home number is 919-989-4966. Josh had a one night stay at Duke the other week because of some illness that made him have a fever of 103. He went home after one night of observation on IV antibiotics and the docs can't figure out what he had either because all of his cultures come back negative. I thought he was over it but today he started having some tummy problems again, no fever yet. I really feel bad that you all have to be at the hospital, again. Micah has had a tough time lately but I think he'll do fine. Again, call me if you need us for anything. --Kim, Joshua Ray's mom