Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Crazy Story of Following Jesus

Sarah and I have learned over the years that the journey in being a disciple of Jesus is anything but tame and predictable. Sometimes, against all human reason and planning, God chooses to lead you in a way or at a time different than you may imagine.  Such is that time for us right now and we are asking you to pray diligently for us, right now.  Here's the backstory:

Before Sarah and I married in 2003, we knew that we desired to have the family God wanted for us and believed that included children both biological and adopted. Our family began growing with the birth of Isaac in 2004, Ethan in 2005, and Micah in 2007. As many of you may know, Micah has endured many health challenges not the least of which included a liver transplant in 2007 and we continue to face uncertain days. But two years ago we began the adoption process believing whole-heartedly it was God's direction.

In May of this year, we completed the process and entered the time of waiting.  Five weeks later, Sarah and I learned that she was pregnant with child number 4. We called the adoption agency to let them know our exciting news. After conversation in which we believed God would have us to continue to keep our profile active, nine weeks later (Monday, August 19), the adoption agency called. 

A birth mom in North Carolina saw our profile. She saw we had three children already who were close in age. She also saw the note on our book that we were expecting another child.  And this mom chose our family. In fact, she said she chose our family because we were expecting another child, not in spite of that fact. The social worker told Sarah that often families like ours, with three biological children already and one on the way, do not get chosen this soon or at all.  The birth mom is expected to give birth tomorrow (August 23).

But I hope you didn't miss how God always does things on time and in order.

In Creation, the sun preceded the plants and the plants preceded the animals. The plants needed the light for photosynthesis.  The animals needed the plants for food.  We had to complete the process before Sarah got pregnant.  We had to be pregnant before this mom saw our profile. All of this God ordered not as we expected, but according to His perfect time.  And we are humbled and full of joy.

We believe these events have the hand prints of God all over them.  We believe by faith we are to step forward and follow wherever He leads.

Here's our request: When God's hand is upon a situation, He always provides exactly what is needed.  We are asking you to diligently pray, right now, for our Great God and King to make the provision needed, not the least of which is the financial provision lacking and the preparation of our home and family.

Friends and family, thank you for standing and praying with us at the wall of Jericho for God to remove the wall and provide what we see as nothing less than His promised gift to us.


Marian said...

Like I told your sweet bride, Jesus himself did some pretty "crazy" things....why not do the same? I am so excited for y'all and can't wait to see how God gets all the glory for all the provision you need. Who but God could orchestrate this and who but God could provide!!!!!

Justin Buchanan said...

So very true. Thank you for the encouragement!