Monday, April 20, 2015

Do Whatever

Jesus' coming out party took place at a wedding. Not His but we're never told whose wedding. 

The first miraculous act displaying His glory happened at a wedding (Read here). Wine was important not only because it was the drink of celebrations, but because suitable drinking water or other substitute beverages weren't available. The poor people of Israel didn't yet have the joy of some sweet tea!

When the wine ran out, the groom and his entire family were on the verge of losing face and being shamed publicly. Regardless of whether it was poor planning on their part or people enjoying the wine a little too much, they ran out and this was not a good situation.

Jesus' mom was at the wedding and probably serving the guests. When she learns that the wine is gone, she goes to tell Jesus.

Mary didn't necessarily know what Jesus would do. She just knew He could help.

She tells the problem to Jesus. And though I'm skipping some details here, she then tells the servants standing nearby to "do whatever Jesus tells them to do."

The greatest advice I could ever follow with my life or give to another are those uttered by Jesus' mom to the servants that day. Whatever Jesus says, whatever He commands, whatever He asks for, we should do it. It may not follow human logic. You and I may not be able to reason why He wants us to do so.

Who was Mary to tell them to obey Jesus? And yet she did. Who was Jesus that they should obey Him? And yet they did.

Not without risk and faith. Wine was what they needed, yet Jesus tells them to fill six pots with water. They had to trust Jesus by faith because what they were seeing were pots filled with water. And yet, because they believed and did exactly what He said, they witnessed the glory of God on display in the life of the only Son of God. All six pots that had been filled with water were turned to wine. A fermentation process that normally happens over days with pressed grapes happened in moments with ordinary water.

What will you and I witness, what will we get to be part of, how will He use us, in what ways will the mission of God advance when we simply by faith trust Him enough to do whatever He says to or asks of us?

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