Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great Things

"Only fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you" ( 1 Samuel 12:24).

When Samuel the prophet and judge of God, for the people of God, neared the end of his days, he gathered the people together. He had faithfully served. He wasn't perfect, but his dealings with the people and reputation with the people was one of goodness and godliness . The people had no charge against him in anything. All the words the Lord gave to Samuel were faithfully spoken to God's people.

"Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart," he said. Seeing God for who He is always provides us a good, healthy dose of righteous, reverent and holy fear of the Lord. It also enables us to see our imperfection and need for forgiveness. He is perfect; I am not. He is holy; I am unholy. He is good; my goodness is like filthy rags. When I see my need, I can better see and appreciate the cross. The cross invites me to forgiveness and further fear of the righteous God who made the way of salvation. And I serve Him out of the gratitude of what He has done. But it is more than salvation.

Samuel instructed the people to consider what great things the Lord had done for them. To consider, to ponder, to think upon, to call to mind. God hadn't just done some nice things. God hadn't just done some good things. God hadn't done some things that make you go "Hmm." God had done great things...mighty things...matchless things...things that make you go "Whoa!" He had done great things for His people.

Are we any different? My list would stretch for miles and quite possibly millions of miles. This week, what God has done in our family and in Micah's life, is simply one of many great things God has done. Is it any less great that God brought a wonderful wife into my life who loves God, loves others and loves me (yes, that third one is a difficult one)? Is it any less great that God has given three children to us of whom we are stewards, responsible to God for how we raise them, train them and send them out into the world for His glory? Is it any less great that God gave me breath this morning? Is it any less great that God saves me from myself every day?

No. God does great things. Everything He does is great. Every gift He gives is great. It's all great. I may be less inclined to complain if I would first follow Samuel's instructions to "consider what great things He has done for you." Certainly the "you" there is plural. But it also has such great personal truth as well. God loves me. God takes care of me. God has done great things not just for humanity as a whole (which is true) or my family as a whole (which is true), but He has done great things for me.

Are you grateful? Have you stopped to consider today what great things God has done for you personally? Has God's love become stagnant to you? Do you still stand in awe of the love and greatness of God toward you? I hope not. If so, take a moment today to consider what great things He has done for you. And with every one you think of, remember in that moment, "God did this just for me because He loves me!"

Micah's day was much better than the last two. Last night he was moved from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit to a step down room. He is eating some, resting fairly well and starting to show a few signs of feeling a little like his normal self. From all indications at this point, the surgery looks successful. However, the doctors will continue to monitor bile output and liver numbers as an indicator. The liver numbers have been trending downward which is good. He is still on some oxygen to assist in breathing. Please continue to pray his eating picks up, his breathing improves to the point oxygen is no longer needed, healing goes well and the surgery was successful and the problem will not return.

Please also remember Sarah who got sick with some stomach virus on Tuesday night. Pray not only that she gets over the virus, flu or whatever she has, but that she will be at peace and comforted while not being able to be with or see Micah. As always, thank you for faithfully reading the updates and praying for our family.


Unknown said...

Hi sweet is a song by Hillsong that has been a gift from God to us and I wanted to share it with you guys..."Healer"

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in you
I trust in you

I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands!

praying for you all,

Marian said...

Hi Justin, I've been following your blog but never commented. I'm John's little sister and Sarah and I were in the youth group together many years ago! I just wanted to tell you that every night I rock my little girl I utter words of thanksgiving for Micah's life and for his & Sarah. Stand strong dear brother...God has used and continues to use you & your wife in ways you will never know show His goodness, faithfulness and greatness to people you may never meet. I shout with you that God has done great things!!! Please give Sarah a hug from me. All praise be to our Almighty Father!