Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Awaiting Confirmation

Sarah and I met with Dr. Sudan on Monday to discuss Micah's upcoming surgery. The surgery is being scheduled for next week. At this point, Monday is the target date. All the pieces are not in place, but we hope to get confirmation today or tomorrow.

The surgery will involve opening up Micah's abdomen as was done before during transplant to fix the bile duct blockage. The goal is to cut out the blockage and reattach the bile duct. Dr. Sudan indicated there is a 90% chance that this will fix the problem to not recur again.

There are some risks involved with this surgery. First, there is the risk of bile leaking from the site of where the duct is reattached. Second, because Micah's portal vein clotted off some time ago and collateral vessels formed, there is a risk of bleeding because the collateral vessels are in the way and get damaged.

Other risks are present with this surgery. Like there is the risk something would occur that causes the liver function to begin to fail placing Micah in need of another transplant.

But as always, our prayers are for God's shield of protection and His mighty hand of healing to be around and upon Micah. Please be in prayer for Micah and our family. We pray for:
  1. A shield of protection for Micah
  2. God's quick physical healing
  3. No complications with surgery
  4. Wisdom for doctors
  5. Opportunities to show God's love and demonstrate His greatness
  6. Security and Peace for entire family
  7. Isaac and Ethan

1 comment:

Sallie said...

Micah's situation sounds very similar to mine. Was he diagnosed with Budd Chiari Syndrome? Thankfully I did not have the bile duct problems after transplant. I am now nine and a half years post-transplant and doing well. I will continue to pray for Micah and all involved. Blessings to you.