Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Something Lurking

"For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding" (Proverbs 2:6).

"There's something obscure lurking in there." Those were the words of the doctor today as we once again took Micah to be admitted to the hospital. Since being discharged on January 4, Micah has not improved. If anything, he has gotten progressively worse. His eating has tapered off to a point that yesterday he may have eaten 10 ounces total during the day. He is restless and doesn't sleep well. There is little activity from him as he lays on the floor, is held in your arms or sleeps.

While Dr. Berman and the plethora of other doctors know there is something ailing Micah, they are all at a loss as to what it could be. He's been on anti-viral, anti-fungal and antibiotics while in the hospital, after he came home and now as he is back in the hospital. But the medicines do not seem to have helped him turn the corner and begin improving in health. The cultures of the fluid from Micah's ears and sinuses which were performed on Friday of last week came back negative. So once again there is nothing showing up in any of the fluids having been tested/cultured.

So here we are...back in the hospital, looking for answers and seeking God's wisdom and knowledge and healing. Certainly the Lord knows what is plaguing Micah. He's known all along and knew before it even occurred. Nevertheless, we seek His intervention in one of two ways. We pray either the Lord heal Micah with a touch even if the doctors (and Sarah and I) never know what it was or that He reveals to the doctors what it is and how to treat it.

I've not seen Micah this sick since just prior to transplant. In some ways, he even appears, and may be, sicker now than he was then. Add to that the absence of knowing what is causing the sickness and the situation is difficult and hard. Therefore, we ask that you pray. Pray, pray, pray!

The last time I fervently asked for prayer was for the liver to begin working just after transplant. Daily the doctors would seem perplexed that the piece of my liver which was transplanted was not functioning. Liver levels seemed to reveal the desired liver function was not taking place. The day after I ask for specific pray that the Lord "massage that liver with His hand in order for it to begin working," the numbers came back and that is exactly what had happened! Coincidence? I think not. Answer to prayer? Absolutely!

So I ask again. This may not be the last time a dire need for prayer is solicited. But I ask it now. Please pray that Micah would be healed once again. But as always, pray most of all that God would be glorified. That He would be made known and known is our desire in and through this.

Thank you.