Friday, September 21, 2007

Peace Out!

" Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).

The joke around my house these days centers around the incision I bear upon my mid-section. I guess depending on your background or the generation in which you grew up you may find it resembles one thing or another. My dad, quite the car man (dabbling in a little of everything over the years--the latest being a 1971 Volkswagon Kharman Ghia convertible and a 1966 Mustang coupe) calls my incision the Mercedes emblem. Others have seen in it an upside down 'y'. But there are those individuals, like my father-in-law and a fellow coworker, who call it the "Peace Sign." It's sometimes just fun to hear people find so much to talk about when it comes to an incision.

Regardless of what one sees in it, the whole "peace sign" sticks out to me. That may be my preferred reference. To always remind me of the peace which only comes from the Lord. Unfortunately, many grope in darkness for the peace and hope that can ONLY be located in Jesus Christ. It's as if they are on this treasure hunt but without a map. So their own logic guides them to search for peace in possessions, people, power or pursuits of one's own heart. I remember the days when peace was always elusive. When I was in high school, having grown up going to church, hearing about the love of Jesus Christ and striving to live a 'good' life, I still had no peace.

Day after day I sought the peace my heart longed to possess. Relationships never brought it. Sports never offered it. Friendships could not touch it. Good deeds dared not give one ounce of it. And tragically, even as a junior in high school, I'd go hard all day long. But the night was the worst enemy. Alone and quiet, I'd lay my head on my pillow only to have the restlessness of my own heart become so loud I could hardly go to sleep at times. I would try to be tired enough to go to bed and drift off to sleep quickly.

This all changed when I met Jesus Christ in a personal way. Peace as I have never known entered my life and never left. I may have grown up in church, hearing about Jesus and striving to live a good life, but it wasn't until I gave my life to Him and began a personal relationship with Him that I came to know the peace that comes only from God. Sure! I still struggle with fears at times. At other times I wrestle with being anxious. And every time the Lord reminds me that He is in control and I can be at perfect peace in Him.

He doesn't give peace like the world gives. His peace lasts beyond the money, beyond the fame and beyond the age of youth. His peace allows us to face the most daunting and trying of circumstances and not be afraid and not be troubled. My heart is fixed upon the Savior and His peace fills my heart. I cannot fully explain how the peace of God gives such comfort and assurance. The Apostle Paul told believers in Philippi, " And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).

Do you know that peace? When everyone is gone, when the silence comes and the striving of this life stills, do you have that peace? Only Jesus offers that peace. I hope you know Him, and by knowing Him, know His peace.

Right now I am praying for peace for Micah. Micah's had a fairly restless day. While I pray even now for the day that all my children will come to understand the good news that Jesus died and rose again for them so that they might have His peace and forgiveness, I pray now for Micah's physical peace. He rested very little today. He may have slept a total of an hour and a half. But that may be stretching it. He appears to be discomforted at times as if he is still in pain. The doctors decided to change his medication to see if it might calm him enough for him to sleep. I am praying for a more restful night for both him and Sarah tonight. The child next door also cried about all night. Even in that I pray for peace.

Micah is also not eating as much as the doctors would like. We're not sure if it is connected to the discomfort he is experiencing or not. There is debate as to whether they will insert a tube through his nostril to supplement feedings. This could happen on Friday. His weight at last check was 12 lbs. 5 oz. It's not hard to see the concern for a 7 month old child to weigh in so low. Therefore, we pray his comfort comes soon and his appetite picks up so that they won't have to insert the tube. Regardless, we pray God will allow his body to get the nutrition it needs and for him to begin gaining weight. Sarah and I were prepared that he would be behind other children his age in both physical growth and development. But the Lord is able to do that which is unexplainable. He can give to Micah the strength and power he needs.

As for Micah's levels, they all went down (a positive movement) at last check. While some have not come down as far as the doctors would like, at least we are moving in the right direction as of today. Tomorrow could be a different story. Then again, tomorrow could bring the largest drop and the biggest sign of improvement.

For now, I ask you to please pray for Micah to have and be at peace. Pray he rests well and begins to eat more and gain weight. Pray for Sarah as she has had two nights of little sleep. She did come home for a little while today to sleep before going back tonight. Finally, pray the levels continue to move in the right direction and at a good rate.

But as always, because it is proper and fitting, praise the Lord for who He is and what He has done. And pray that in all things that He will be glorified and draw others to Him and to the peace He gives. You just cannot find it anywhere else!


Nick & Meg Smith said...

Justin & Sarah,

We are praying and praying!


Nick & Meg

Nick & Meg Smith said...

Justin & Sarah,

We are praying and praying!


Nick & Meg