"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law" (Deuteronomy 29:29).
I've heard people call this a cop-out. But whenever there arises something for which I do not have an explanation, I simply state, "The Lord knows." There are so many things for which I wish I had a better explanation. For instance, I would like to know and be able to explain how it is that God is sovereign over all things and yet we have a real, moral responsibility to make choices which have consquences and impact. Yet even though I may not be able to explain them, I know they exist. Somehow within God's structure and infinite wisdom, both the sovereignty of God and the free, moral choice of man exists for which there will be real consequences for his decisions.
Through His word, God Almighty has revealed Himself to us. Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, is also the revelation of God. Through both the written word and the Living Word, we know who God is and how we should respond to Him. Unfortunately for inquiring minds, God has not revealed everything we want to know. Yet, He has revealed everything we need to know. We struggle to differentiate between a need and a want. Maybe that is why we live in a society that has massive amount of debt--because they keep spending for what they interpret as needs, when the truth is that it is merely wants. And so God has given to us all we need to know for life and godliness according to First Peter chapter one.
So when the situation arises for which I have no explanation, if I know it to be in alignment with God's word and alignment with His character, then I must simply confess that He alone knows and the secret things belong to the Lord. Should He choose to reveal it to me then it would wonderful. But nothing more has to be revealed than already has been revealed in order for us to know Him and respond appropriately in obedience to Him.
Days like today, I must also say that the Lord knows. When we don't know and the doctors don't know, the secret things the Lord surely knows. Micah is doing good. He's been a trooper through and through. The biopsy results came back negative for rejection. AMEN! Praise the Lord! So you may be asking what I asked. "Then what is it? What is causing the levels to fluctuate so much from day to day?"
Today's blood tests revealed that the bilirubin went back down to 5.7. Two of the three liver enzyme levels went down, while the third one hovered in the same ballpark. It didn't go up, but it didn't go down.
Since rejection doesn't seem to be taking place, the doctors are somewhat at a loss for why the levels continue to fluctuate, as well as why the one level went so high. One theory is that the medication can cause bile to not flow easily out of the liver. It could be that the medications are causing the bile to back up (hence the levels go high), only then to expel it in larger measurements (causing the levels to go down). Unfortunately, if this were the case, at this point all his medications are such that they'd rather have him on the medications than try to correct the bile flow. Therefore, according to the doctors, we will just wait and monitor things.
I say again, "The Lord knows." It may be hidden from doctors. It may be as clear as mud to Sarah and me. Yet, our Lord and Savior knows and HE holds Micah in HIS hands. As I laid down last night to go to sleep, once again it hit me that I am not in control. I cannot fix it. I cannot do anything more than trust the Lord and lean upon Him. It was one of those great times of finally coming to a place of full surrender and dependence. Jesus tells us in John 15, "I am the vine and you are the branches...he who abides in me and I in him will bear much fruit; but apart from Me, you can do absolutely nothing."
Do you realize in light of that just how absurd is our daily life? We trust number one. We lean on ourselves. We place faith in our ability, our attitude, our aspirations or our achievements. One pastor once said, "I am a dependent Baptist." We've got Freewill Baptists, Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists, American Baptists, and the list goes on. But what we need are a few more dependent Baptists. For that matter, we need some more dependent Christians. He is the Lifeline. He is the Source. He will be the one who causes it to be done. Apart from my Vine, I am about as fruitful as an old stump.
The Lord knows what it is that is taking place with Micah's body right now. Please continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors and understanding of His situation. Pray for Sarah to have continual strength and rest.
Praise the Lord, for He is good and His love endures forever!
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