Monday, May 6, 2013

Relentless Pursuit

Our final message in the Encounter Series at Refuge Church took a much needed look at Peter.  You can listen to the audio of the message here.

Peter experienced an epic failure. His was a denial and abandonment of Jesus Christ at the time of Jesus' arrest and crucifixion.  What made Peter's failure even more pronounced was his self-declaration that he, unlike the other disciples, would never fall away.  He stuck out his chest and asserted himself as the courageous and lone, devoted follower of Jesus.

On the same night before the rooster had crowed, Peter had denied Jesus three times. Remembering the words of Jesus, Peter ran away with a heart full of bitter sorrow.

Declaring our allegiance in times of peace is far easier than declaring our allegiance in times of war.  When the heat is turned up, we often turn the allegiance down. This is our act of self-preservation.  Peter boldly confessed his intent to die with Jesus and stand beside him until the end, only to then deny and abandon Jesus a few hours later.

For me and many others, when a friend or family member abandons us like Peter did to Jesus, our last thought and act is to relentlessly pursue them for the purpose of restoring the relationship we had with them.  We find it more convenient to hold them guilty for life, as our hearts seethe with anger toward them.

This was not the way Jesus responded, nor should it be our way either.  Jesus pursued Peter.  At the tomb following His resurrection, an angel instructed the women who first discovered the tomb's emptiness to go tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus was alive and planning to meet them in Galilee.  Then, in John 21, Jesus comes to the shore of the Sea of Tiberias where Peter has returned to his life before following Jesus.  

Here a most beautiful encounter occurs as Jesus demonstrates such amazing affection and grace toward Peter.  

Our past does not determine our future unless we allow it to do so.  Our destiny is not directed by our failures when our lives are surrendered to Jesus Christ.  

Jesus relentlessly pursued Peter for the purpose of restoring their relationship through grace. Peter was never the same again. His love for God would demand his love for others (feed my sheep).  His obedience to Christ would lead him into a situation where he would die for Christ rather than deny Christ as he had done previously.  

Can you see Jesus Christ relentlessly pursuing you over the course of your life?  He has been, He is, and today He wants to encounter you in a way that leaves you forever changed.

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