Friday, July 11, 2008


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3).

In this world, you will have trouble. Those are sobering words for Jesus Christ to share with His disciples. Those are sobering words He shares with us. After all, who really likes trouble? Most people avoid it and have their own coping mechanisms to deal with it. But what is amazing is that the God who promises His followers that they will experience trouble in this world is the same God of mercy and God of all comfort.

When circumstances and situations seem to be volatile and lack peace, there is a peace that belongs to those who are His because he is the God of comfort. He comforts our emotions when we hurt. He comforts are bodies when they are broken. He comforts our minds when they are strained and perplexed. He comforts our soul when the enemy is prowling and hurling his attacks. But whatever the situation, God gives comfort. And certainly there are times in this world when there is peace both in the world and in God. But to Him we give the honor and glory for it all is from and by His hand.

These last two weeks have been a great comfort from the Lord. After Micah's week long hospital stay in mid-June, he has been well. Doctor's visits have been positive. Lab results have been as they should be. Fluid on his abdomen has moved off and remained off for the large part. He's been sitting up some. His disposition has been the best since he came home right after transplant. While he currently is battling a cold and congestion, we are so thankful for the Lord's comfort of Micah's body and our whole family for the few weeks of relative peace and quiet.

Micah's good health allowed Sarah to travel with the boys to see family about two weeks ago while I was on a mission trip in Baltimore, MD. Micah did extremely well, as did Isaac and Ethan. And for Sarah it was a great refreshing time. No hospital visits. No doctor's appointments. No great concern for Micah's health. A time to spend with family in a fairly normal setting.

We celebrated Isaac's fourth birthday while there. It's hard to believe, but he's growing up. These past two weeks have been encouraging as we see each of our boys growing and developing.

Micah will return to Duke for a doctor's appointment at the end of this coming week. As you pray for us, please pray a prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving for what the Lord has and is doing and the comfort and mercy He gives and has given to us. Also, please continue to pray for Micah's continued health and our entire family's continued health. As always, thank you for praying!


Unknown said...

How thankful we are! Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. We have been praying for you all.

The Murrays

Stephani H said...

Another wonderful sermon before the great news on Micah's health. His moving forward as a little boy should is so encouraging. Glad a family visit was possible. Your family is on our prayers everyday. Have a safe trip this coming week and we will pray for the retreat too!God Bless your family today and always.And thanks for the new pictures!!!!!! The boys are so cute!