"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4)
Why does God take believers through the white hot furnace? In a day when suffering and trials in the believer's life are frowned (and frowned upon maybe greater than any other time in Christianity), how many believers miss the place of suffering in his or her life? How many wrestle with these words (and mighty remove them from Scripture if he or she could)?
I'll make a pretty bold statement here: I don't know that I have ever truly grown in great spiritual character apart from suffering. When things are well, we do well just to stay near God. But when, in the sovereignty of the Almighty God, we find ourselves placed into the white hot furnace of suffering, character is often forged. See, in those times, the fog is burned off. What really matters is easier to see. The shortcomings and faults are more noticeable or recognizable. Just like the blacksmith heats the metal to a white hot temperature only to then pull it from the fire and hammer it into the desired shape, so God places us into the white hot furnace of suffering in order that on His anvil He can make and re-make us into His image and all He desires for us to be.
Therefore, I should have joy in tests and trials. For the trials in my life, the suffering that takes place, produce an endurance which leads to spiritual maturity (perfect and complete, lacking in nothing).
I guess this time of suffering and struggle as we have been greatly pressed to lean upon the Lord, to know His will, to hear His voice, to see His hand and to wait for His lead, the Lord is wanting to do some work in me. The white hot furnace in this situation may have been meant just for me. I pray for insight that the Lord might give to me an awareness of the flaws and faults to which He so desperately desires to hammer and chisel. I pray that I will continue in joy as he molds and makes me.
As I read today in 1 Thessalonians, "so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory" (2:12), again it reminded me that suffering can produce in our lives a more worthy walk and behavioral pattern. I want to be a godly father and a godly husband. I want to be a loving shepherd to my chosen wife, my children and my church. In all I do, I want to walk worthy of the ONE TRUE GOD who called me. Because I know the furnace of suffering and trials helps to bring this to pass, I give thanks in everything.
Micah moved from the PICU today. He is now in room 5307. His bilirubin level, after reaching back up to 10.2, has finally moved back down to be at 6.4 at last check. His liver enzyme levels were also checked. These usually give some sense of whether he has an infection in his liver or whether rejection is taking place on any level. However, two of the three levels had declined when last checked. There was no mention as to the significance of the third or any concern with it remaining elevated. However, this seems to indicate that the increased anti-rejection medication has accomplished its goal at this time. His red blood cells and blood scores have almost come up into the desired range. He still seems to have some pain for which the doctors do not have a good explanation. Yet he is going well. Sarah has certainly enjoyed him being "holdable." Of course there is no talk at this time about a time frame of hospital stay. We still anticipate a watch and see through the next week or two.
I continue to try to obey the restrictions placed upon me and allow for proper recovery. I know it isn't a short sprint to recovery and therefore I try to patiently wait and enjoy the time of rest. In large part, the process is going well. Pain is largely not an issue. Yesterday I did take a trip over to see Micah and Sarah at the hospital (before coming home to watch Florida romp my Volunteers). I may try that again tomorrow. Today I hung close to home and rested and it was good.
1 comment:
We have been praying for your family and all that has recently transpired. We recently moved to Alabama, but went to church with Dayton and Gladys O. (Garrison's grandparents) prior to the move. They shared your situation for prayer and we have been following the progress of little Micah. Praise God for His abundant blessings, both in faithfully giving you grace during this rough and scary time and also in the outcome of the surgery. My heart went out to Sarah as she let her husband and son both go into surgery on the same day! We will continue praying--thank you for the updates!
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